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Fisher Winter Boat Covers 

For over 40 years the name Fisher has meant custom quality and craftsmanship. Well-made and durable, Fisher Boat Covers or the winter storage covers for boats. Dollar for dollar a

Fisher boat cover is your best investment that will keep paying dividends year after year. Cheap poly tarps and shrink wrap cannot stand up to the performance of a Fisher cover. Stop wasting time and money on cavers that don’t hold up. Stop wrestling with Poly tarps that take all day to put on and come up with the first gust of wind.


Our covers are made out of heavy-duty canvas and specially treated for rough winter use. Each is fitted to the waterline with a draw rope in the bottom, tie-down straps, and a minimum of two hooded air vents. All covers are reinforced at the bow, transom, and other wear points. For more information please contact us at 732–988–5775.

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